Now that you’ve got this Free Ebook, what are you going to do with it? A lot of peoplemight download this book and never apply it to their business or even read it. I promise if you apply the things that are here in this book it will take your business tothe next level. This checklist is going to help you leverage current platforms and get youronline business up and running. Here are the things that we’ll cover in this Ebook:WebsiteMessagingFacebook/ InstagramYouTubeAdwordsEmailContent CreationSEO First, I want you to understand one thing about the reality of online marketing: youneed to spend money to make money. The goal with an online marketing campaign is to findthat magic number and scale it. Once you find that number, you spend more and you makemore. I have seen too many companies in the past spend too much money on their website,video production, graphic design, etc. What if I told you that you could spend less money onthat stuff and get better results? Let’s dive in and see what you do!