The best kinds of businesses are the ones dirven by passion and held together by ethics. On this 135th episode of the E-Comm Show, Andrew Maff interviews Dave Hunter, President Founder of Crown Bees. Crown Bees is a company committed to helping gardeners, farmers, and green thumbs alike leverage the power of bees in a sustainable way.

In this episode, Dave Hunter bridges the gap between nature and e-commerce. Showing how we can leverage the power of nature ethically and sustainably. Marketing mainly through word of mouth and referrals, Dave has mastered the art of doing things the natural way. This is a must-listen to this episode if you sell products derived from natural resources and want to market as green as possible.

Watch the full episode below, or visit for more.

Tune in and enjoy today's episode of The E-Comm Show!

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If you enjoyed the show, please be sure to rate and review!...and of course, SUBSCRIBE!

Have an e-commerce marketing question you'd like Andrew to cover in an upcoming episode?
Email: [email protected]

If you'd like to catch up on past episodes, visit

Tune in and enjoy today's episode of The E-Comm Show!

If you enjoyed the show, please be sure to rate, review, and of course, SUBSCRIBE!

If you enjoyed the show, please be sure to rate and review!...and of course, SUBSCRIBE!

Have an e-commerce marketing question you'd like Andrew to cover in an upcoming episode?
Email: [email protected]

If you'd like to catch up on past episodes, visit