Ep #68: An email list is your digital asset. When people subscribe to your email list they give you permission to write them. We are in a people to people business. Now your turn to grow this relationship.

The technology and social media algorithms are changing all the time, the website can be shut down, but your email subscribers are people who you can reach at any time.

In this episode, Mike Kim shares how to write emails to your subscribers that they will wait for Mike to ditch his comfy C-suite marketing job in pursuit of career freedom.

He now hosts the #1 ranked podcast on personal branding in iTunes, The Brand You Podcast, and helps brands clarify their message.

Mike has crafted the messages and marketing campaigns for some of today's top thought leadership brands including Donald Miller, Suzanne Evans, and Catalyst Leadership. You can read his blog at mikekim.com.

Time Stamped Show Notes:

[00:22] About the episode and Mike Kim [02:10] Mike shares that even if he had a well-paid corporate job he wanted to have his own business so he started blogging and podcasting [04:12] He did a lot of music and public speaking before he got to blogging, but as an artist, he enjoyed the process of writing and hosting a podcast [05:45] Mike doesn’t do a lot of blogging but when he has something valuable to share he writes to his email subscribers [07:40] Different approach to writing to your email subscribers [09:10] Why Mike shared even his personal phone number with his email subscribers [13:30] How to write emails that people actually want to read [15:52] Mike plans his emails only when he has launches [17:01] Warm up your list before you launch something. Write more about things related to the upcoming theme of the launch [18:37] Bring value to people with each email you send to your subscribers [19:13] Start writing thematic content about a month before you launch anything [21:11] Three examples of the email you can send to your subscribers to build the relationship [24:19] When you ask about what challenges people have, surprisingly many people reply [25:25] Add the greeting video to the Thank You page where people get after they subscribe to your email list [27:16] In the video share what they get in the freebie that they get and tips on how to use it [28:32] How Mike grows his email list [30:07] Different programs that Mike launch during the year and that help him to grow his email list [31:57] What you can do to write better emails to your subscribers [33:25] Write to your subscribers at least once a week and if they didn’t open an email send it to them again [34:13] The trick on how to send the second time the same email [36:00] Where to find Mike online [36:48] For the show notes go to marinabarayeva.com/68 and subscribe to the Marketing for Creatives show

Let’s get in touch:

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