Ep #149: Saying content marketing I mean all kinds of content you create whether it’s written blog posts, video, audio, social media or your website, anything.

So how to make all of them work together to help you to get more tractions and attract your ideal clients?

This is what we will discover with our guest today.

In this episode, Trevor Young shares how to use content marketing to get more PR.

Trevor helps professional experts and aspiring thought leaders build visibility, influence & trust in the marketplace. He is the author of two books - microDOMINATION and his latest, CONTENT MARKETING FOR PR. He blogs at PR Warrior and hosts the podcast REPUTATION REVOLUTION.

You will learn:

Trevor started as a journalist, then built a few businesses and got into blogging and content marketing in 2007 which helped to build his personal brand Know what kind of content creation is your strength 5 important factors of using content marketing to get more PR How to be different in the market where everybody talks about the same things in the niche More content isn’t always better Case study: How well GouletPens, a company that sells fountain pens, does content marketing across many channels The marketing mantra: how can I help the most people? Because if you help the most people, you’ll get business

Let’s get in touch:

Would you like to get free PR? Download a free guide ‘How to Get Interviewed on the Podcasts Every Week’ on marinabarayeva.com/podcastguest Follow on YouTube.com/MarinaBarayeva Follow on Instagram.com/MarinaBarayeva Get more marketing tips on marinabarayeva.com