Ep #140: As an entrepreneur, you know how easy it is to get caught in the bunch of work and clients that pay you less than you would want to. Or maybe it’s just the time for you to get to the next level in your business.

Let’s get organized and systemize your work so you’ll do what you love, make more money and let go of the stuff and people that bring you a headache. It’s so good when everything is in order.

In this episode, Robin Waite shares how to cut out the non-fee-earning work and increase sales.

Robin is a dedicated husband and daddy to two amazing girls, a surfer, and a cyclist. 

He is also the founder of Fearless Business - a business accelerator for freelance creatives looking to grow their income. 

And finally, he is the author of 5 books, most notably Online Business Startup and latterly Take Your Shot.

You will learn:

Robin worked for a medical devices company where he learned the basics of business and then started his own marketing company What you need to have in business first before you automate and simplify it What to look at first if you want to automate your business and increase sales Where people get confused between marketing and growing a profitable business When you charge more you have less competition Three steps on how to cut non-fee-earning work and increase sales with the example for interior designer How many people actually set the price for their service (and why you shouldn’t do the same) Why the right mindset about money is important in having a sustainable business that constantly brings you money Change to the value-oriented service from the hourly rate Learn to say No to the low-fee projects Robin's diary detox for getting more productive in business. How he analyzes what makes money, the growth activities, doing activities, floating activities, How to apply 70-10-2 activities to your business: 70 conversations, 10 consultations, that bring 2 clients. 

Let’s get in touch:

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