I've been producing content for years, video, audio, and written content.

When I got started, I jumped right away on teaching the knowledge, and I've produced countless useless videos, focusing exclusively on the knowledge part, which is not what people are looking for initially. They want something else...

What do people want? They want to keep it easy for them, not to learn tons of techniques.

So if you want to be able to make them understand what they need, that particular knowledge that will make them get what they want: Then you need storytelling!

You need to share a story of someone like them, someone with similar goals. To explain what happened to that person because they didn't know what you are about to share.

The story part is easy to listen to, watch or read because there isn't too much important details. That story part is here to make the audience understand how important it is to know what you are about to share, The knowledge part.

In other words, the story is the motivator for someone to consume your content until the end, explaining why that's important if they want to reach their goals.

So in nutshell:

1 - Catch their attention with a relatable short message, introducing someone with similar goals.

2 - Once the message is conveyed, we need to shock them by giving them the narrative that they too, can be stuck in this situation ( stop and shock process)

3 - Teach through a story (explain and end with the moral) This then will help them create their own theory. Then rephrase the moral of the story, teaching them what they really need to know to meet their goals.


If you want to learn more about Marketing Automation and automate your video & podcast production, then check: https://marketingautomationninja.com

These episode are also available as Youtube Video on: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCemMg2YCuLMrk0TrHoFPXJg/

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