This is the Podcast for providers and advisers looking to share business ideas and inspiration in the world of protection and finance.

In Episode 2 my guest is Pete Chadborn.

Pete is a well-known UK independent financial adviser thanks to his frequent appearances in trade media publications. He works at Plan Money in Colechester.

Listen as Pete describes his business model and how Plan Money aims never to turn any clients away. Hear Pete suggest ways in which the UK Protection Market can improve its customer service and how he speeds up Plan Money’s process with the Pre-research Underwriting Form.

It’s well worth listening to Pete’s forthright and enthusiastic views about the financial services industry.

For links to the books and apps mentioned by Pete please visit for the show notes.

What is the Marketing Finance and Protection (MPAF) Podcast?

The MPAF Podcast is a 30 minute audio show you download from, iTunes or Stitcher Radio. Each week I’ll be interviewing financial services providers, advisers, experts and journalists. Interviews to listen to in the car, on the train or on the treadmill.

I’ll be asking what we can do to make protection and finance more accessible to the consumer. We’ll talk about: