Robert: Right now we are talking to Armand Morin who I would think is probably the most successful internet marketer that I have ever met, or that I have ever heard of. He used to run the big seminar which was the biggest and longest running seminar in the United States.

He makes $20 million dollars a year. He has made over $100,000 million dollars online in sales. He's a great trainer, he does software, he does a MasterMind, he speaks on the stage. He has spoken from a 90 minute presentation and made $995,000 dollars in sales. We are going to talk to him today about how he got started, what he's doing and what he's doing right that you can apply in your own business today. What's up Armand?

Armand: Hey Robert, thank you very much for having me.

Robert: Glad to have you. On top of what I have already told everyone about you, what would you say that you do, pretty much?

Armand: I would say, really my business is divided into two different things. Number one is teaching people how to market their businesses online, and number two I would actually say that my business is simply the same thing, which is product development. Meaning, finding products that actually people want, and developing them either through our own team or having somebody else develop them for us, or developing a course to teach something that someone wants to know.

Robert: Software and courses?

Armand: Yes, pretty much.

Robert: I think the first way I heard of you was you had a piece of software called E-Book Generator.

Armand: Yes.

Robert: Can you tell us a little bit about how that came to be, and about all that software you ended up making?

Armand: Yes absolutely. E-Book software is actually the very first software that I actually created. I don't even know what the date was, but it was a long time ago. Let's put it this way, it was in the 90s, I think it was. What happened was, I was going to create an E-Book, in fact there was a book that I had for many years, I think I had it for about 8 years called Take Online Payments. What had just happened, just to kind of give you a little bit of background, is that I had my Merchant Account taken away from me. We had this big launch, when I first got start in the world of Internet Marketing where we did $4.2 million dollars over the course of 12 weeks. This was at the time when no one has ever thought of actually doing something like that. What happened was they pulled my Merchant Account away.

To make a long story short, I was stuck without a Merchant Account. Now at that point I had proven to myself that the internet worked, so I decided to figure out a way to process credit cards online without a Merchant Account, and I discovered something called third party payment processors, which is today, most people would think of things like PayPal or Two Check Out, or Alert Pay, or Click Bank even. And those are the most popular ones today. But at that time, no one had ever heard of any of these companies, and I discovered there are a lot more. There's actually, I found over 80 companies, and so I took this information and found that a lot of people were searching for this too, so I decided to write an E-Book.

The problem was, in order to write an E-Book I needed some kind of software to compile this E-Book together. And at the time, PDFs weren't really the main type of E-Book out there. I know this may seem odd to people now, but at one time PDFs weren't the most popular type of E-Books out there. There was basically what is called E-Book software which would take, essentially a web page and compile a bunch of web pages together into a single EXE file, kind of like a software file, and it would have it's own browser where you could scroll through the web page, and that is really what the software really does.

In this process, I bought the first E-Book software and it did almost everything I wanted it to do. Then I bought the second E-Book software and it did almost, again.