If you'd like to explain something once (in a few minutes to an hour) and get paid over and over again, have fun doing it, stop trading your time for dollars and start trading your brain for dollars, then you need to create an information product. You need to use your information business to either function as its own passive autopilot income or to build up your service-based active income.
"How to Create an Information Product" FREE Report
Topics covered:

What's a typical day or week like for me?
PRODUCTIVITY TIP OF THE DAY: do it because you WANT to
The "WWHW formula" for instant product creation (Why, What, How, What-If)
How you'll always win finding a common need plus a hungry crowd
The "1 product 1 solution" strategy that never fails
How to create a PDF report, how-to videos, a live webinar class, or membership site using simple repeatable systems
THOUGHT OF THE DAY: are you leaking content out your ears yet?

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