When you go through energy healing, you experience the healing modality and then you go back into your life. 

You may notice thoughts and feelings in disarray...or an overwhelming sense of the most common emotions of joy, sadness, loss and excitement all at the same time. Based on my experience, this is good news.

In this episode, we break down what energy healing feels like in business and how it manifests as thoughts, feelings and behaviours. 

If you meditate, you may be practiced with observing your thoughts. This same practice is the same one which I've found to be most supportive in the experience of energy healing in business. 

If you're experiencing these feelings, thoughts, and sensations for the first time, know that this is part of the process. Allow yourself to feel, to heal; for the energy to move through you. 

I hope you find this podcast helpful. As I was speaking it...a knew that I had universal support as I articulated the process of energy shifting and its manifestations in life and business. Thanks for joining me :)

If you have any questions or want to share any similar experiences, message me on instagram.com/missfernandez__ or instagram.com/market_and_manifest.


Feeling like something is misaligned in your business? Download my free Business Alignment Guide from the link below. It is a 22-page journal-style guided business audit. It will reveal to you which of the 3 pillars of alignment are fully aligned, or out of balance.




Want to experience your own life-changing shifts and release your blocks for easier manifestations? Book your 

Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) session with my healer, Elaine Leek


Single RIM Session: https://bit.ly/rim-single-pod


3-Week Group RIM: https://bit.ly/rim-group-pod


16-Week 1:1 RIM Program: https://bit.ly/rim-1-1-pod