Have you ever had a STRONG DESIRE for something, and you think about it, and just as you're about to take action towards it, you talk yourself out of doing it altogether?

The role of the subconscious is to keep us safe.

[The below is a section of the transcription]

Whenever you start looking at things that you have no proof of succeeding, or if there's no solid proof, or you haven't had any experience, or you have a simply haven't heard of enough other people going there and succeeding. The subconscious kind of registers that as unknown, and if something is unknown, it's unsafe, right, because it's like, there's no certainty. In the spiritual world, we would call the subconscious, maybe the ego, because it's the thing that will stop you and try to keep you safe. And then there's that sub, then there's the conscious part of you that says, No, go for it, go for it. So let's paint a picture. 

So...the subconscious and the  conscious, let's imagine that these are two characters or two people... And the consciousness is saying, "Come on. Come on, babe. Let's go have fun. Let's go try this out. I think this is gonna be good. Let's go have a good time. This is least try it." That's your, you know, your consciousness is showing up for you. Every time you see something in the media, or your something gets sparked inside of you, that goes, I really want to try this. And then you're about to do it. And then there are other friends subconscious pops up. And it's like, Well, okay, we can try that. But if we go there, how do we know it's going to work? How do you know that it's all going to work out? And how do you know you're going to be safe? Like how do you know it's gonna make you the same amount of money or more? How do you know what life is going to look like when you go there? If you don't know. So, it kind of comes up to get you to ask these questions to yourself all to really convince you that something is safe or not. And then us we'll kind of like think about then go okay, maybe, maybe not.