Scorpio, new moon, in business, and life.

I am definitely in the thick of my own learning and experiences in this world of moon cycles. And I am loving it. I'm also really grateful for those who send me messages about these. So I actually got sent his Scorpio New Moon affirmation, and it opened up this amazing discussion about what it means to be in business and life during this time. So I'll read out the affirmation. It says, I take my power back from situations, people and emotions that have consumed me in the past, today's new, I am free. I am my most powerful force, I forgive others and clear myself from energy that is not mine, and the stories that are not real. And the question was more like, you know, or I hope this resonates with you, or does this resonate with you? And I read it. And to be honest, I will say that this Scorpio season, I kind of felt like for me was like, not Cruzi. I felt as though yes, there were some new challenges. Of course, like as businesses growing and we're going in that direction, it kind of requires new ways of being. So in this season, I feel as though I was very internal, like I was very introspective. And then tada! That's when I realized that this affirmation I did resonate with it, I did resonate with it, except instead of it being external, it was internal. So let me explain where it says I take my power back from situations, people and emotions that have consumed me in the past. And then on the bottom, it says, I forgive others, including myself from energy that is not mine, and the stories that are not real. Now, if you know a little bit about, you know, when you do a little bit of personal development, or start understanding how your mind works, and the stories we create, around situations that we create meaning from, they're the things that cause us to feel a certain way. And so in this particular context, where it says I forgive others and clear myself from energy that is not mine, and stories that are not real. This was very much an internal process for me in this season. So how do I explain, instead of thinking as though, or feeling as though, it's the external world, that I am forgiving, and clearing myself from that energy, I realised that this season was really about forgiving myself, and clearing myself of energy that is not mine. When we're saying mine, and our true self, let's say if these were two characters, there's the ego, right, where the stories are created, and the way the stories live. And maybe they kind of feel like they have a life of their own. And then there's the other self, which is our true self, our authentic self, our highest self, maybe even. And so visiting this, I was like, wow, I get how this season has really felt impactful. I've been doing a little bit of what's called Shadow Work, but a lot of observing myself. So you know, when you get into meditation, there's that style where you go into meditation, and you just let your thoughts pass, they come in, you observe them, and just allow them to be so non judgement of those thoughts, non suppressing or non resistance of those thoughts. So if I see myself thinking about all the things that I need to do, I observed that I go, I see, I see, I'm thinking about that. And even saying that I see that I think about that is like an observation of another observation. It's kind of like, it is like Inception meditation. Well, that's the kind of meditation that I do, where I, I just observe my thoughts. And in the observation of those thoughts, I've been able to take that into my daily life. So as in you know, when I'm outside of that meditation, and I'm just in my life, I might be in a call for it with clients or preparing for the day. And I, I, I guess I've been practicing this for a while now. So I can bring myself to that awareness where I see what's going on or I see myself. And so drawing back to this, this affirmation. I realize that taking my power back from situations and people and emotions that have consumed me in the past, was really about the seeing the ego and being like, that's cool. I take my power back from you....

[the above is a section of the transcription]


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