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Mark Penn Polls

76 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 3 years ago -

Mark Penn shares insights from the latest Harvard-Harris Poll.

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Immigration Reform Deep Dive

September 13, 2019 04:51 - 9 minutes - 8.52 MB

Perhaps at this point the hottest issue in terms of the partisan battle between the two parties and the president, is that of immigration. And so, we did a deep dive into immigration this month. Once again, we find overwhelming support for what is generally called comprehensive immigration reform, 73%. Generally, that means finding a path to work permits, possibly citizenship, for those who are here on an undocumented basis, along with all the DACA children or young adults. And at t...

Public Attitudes Toward China

September 12, 2019 20:13 - 4 minutes - 4.5 MB

Let's specifically look at public attitudes towards China and towards trade deals. Do you think it's necessary or unnecessary to confront China over its trade policy now? 67% say it's necessary, so there's significant backing of the policy of confronting China. Do you think President Trump is too tough, 40%. Too lenient, 41%. Or just right, 19%, when it comes to negotiating with China. A divided American public as usual, but when you read it this way there's about 60% that say he is...

Election Fraud - What Voters Believe

September 12, 2019 19:58 - 2 minutes - 1.9 MB

Now let's delve into election fraud. An issue that's talked about, and so I thought well, it'd be pretty interesting just to see what does the public think is really going on? I mean, that's quite different, we don't know really whether there's fraud and how much. A lot of studies show not much, but everybody on one side says that people are voting who shouldn't be allowed to vote. The other side, people say that voters are being suppressed. So, what does the American public think? ...

Mood Of The Country

September 12, 2019 18:59 - 7 minutes - 6.73 MB

Let's launch into the trends that we're seeing on the approval and mood of the country. In general, we haven't seen a lot of changes over time on the overall approvals of the key political figures in this country. President Trump remained this month at 45% job approval, where he's been for the last, really, three months within a point, coming down from a bump when we had 3.2% growth in the economy at 48. But again, within a tight and narrow range, 55% disapproving of his job. But, ...

Americans Want Gun Control Legislation

September 12, 2019 18:40 - 4 minutes - 4.03 MB

Let's talk a look at guns. Guns has been rising as an issue. Two thirds of people believe that murder by gun in America in the last five years has gone up. And when you ask them what do you think is such an increase related to, 21% say urban gangs, 30% say mental illness, and 48% say, hey, easy access to guns. Underscoring a lot of people believing that if access to guns were more limited, that you would see less gun violence. Do you favor or oppose tougher penalties for parents fa...

The Road to 2020

September 12, 2019 18:39 - 5 minutes - 4.97 MB

When you're looking forward on the road to 2020, only 39% say they're voting for President Trump. Definitely, 28. Probably, 11. Right, and you've got 42% saying they're going to vote for the Democrat, you've got 9% voting for an independent, and 10% unsure. So no clear winner, but for an incumbent president with a good economy and 3.7% unemployment to have only 39% saying that they're going to vote to re-elect you is a real weakness, and suggests it's going to be a very tight presid...

Majority Agree: Trump Is Racist

September 12, 2019 18:38 - 3 minutes - 3.56 MB

Another major area that has been in the news has been racial tensions. 77% believe that racial tensions in this country are increasing. President Trump gets called out for this by 69%, who believe that he is helping to cause an increase in racial tensions. Only 31% decrease. Surprisingly, the news media is at 75%, higher than President Trump, as being a disruptor of race relations in the United States. The Democratic Party, 51%. Democratic presidential candidates, 50%. Taking substa...

Should We Buy Greenland?

September 12, 2019 18:36 - 1 minute - 1.09 MB

Well, let's take a look at Greenland. I personally haven't been to Greenland. But I think that we asked the American public a few questions about it. Do you believe the Arctic is today a region of global competition? Yes, 45. No, 55. Are you concerned that Russia and China are using new Arctic routes through the melting ice to gain economic advantage? 56, yes. But the most important question, do you support or oppose the Trump administration trying to purchase Greenland from Denmark...

Trump-Russia Investigation - Public Sentiment

September 12, 2019 18:19 - 4 minutes - 3.79 MB

This month we also did a short section on the Russian investigation. Something that has been less and less in the news compared to it having dominated the media for over two years. Do you think that the Russia investigations are hurting the country or helping the country? 64% hurting, an uptick. 36%, helping. What should happen to President Trump for his actions? Impeach, 36%. Censured, 21%. No action, 42%. Again, we're seeing impeachment trend down from 40 to 36%. Do you think evid...

What Voters Think About Trump's Twitter Use

September 09, 2019 19:35 - 2 minutes - 2.61 MB

2,000 Americans were asked their thoughts on President Trump's use of Twitter. Each month, Presidential Pollster Mark Penn shares findings from the latest Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, which is released by the Center for American Political Studies at Harvard and The Harris Poll. To sign up for regular updates and to learn more about poll results and coverage, visit and follow @Mark_Penn_Polls on Twitter. TRANSCRIPT: Now, one of the big issues I think the people hav...

Monthly Harvard/Harris Poll Review

September 09, 2019 14:51 - 46 minutes - 42.2 MB

Each month, Presidential Pollster Mark Penn shares findings from the latest Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, which is released by the Center for American Political Studies at Harvard and The Harris Poll. To sign up for regular updates and to learn more about poll results and coverage, visit and follow @Mark_Penn_Polls on Twitter. FULL TRANSCRIPT MARK PENN PODCAST HARVARD/HARRIS POLL MONTHLY REVIEW SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 Welcome to this month's podcast of the H...

What Voters Really Think About Guns

August 21, 2019 05:52 - 5 minutes - 4.86 MB

Just replaying a few numbers from the June poll. Because gun safety has emerged following those incidents in Texas and Ohio, is a major issue in the US. And I think it's good to just refresh our recollection on some data that we gathered in June, which is more relevant than ever. Which is, do you think gun laws should be mostly at the federal level or at the state and local level? 57%, nearly six in 10 believe the federal government is the right place for gun laws. Do you think th...

What Voters Really Think About The Economy

August 21, 2019 05:34 - 5 minutes - 4.64 MB

Okay. Let's do a little bit of a deep dive into the economy and see what the voters think. If I take a 1 to 10 scale and ask people to rate the economy on the health, only 5% say very strong. 7% are at 9, 14% ... so 18% are at 7. So even though a solid majority's will be 5 and above. In fact, there'll be almost no one, maybe one out of five, who will rate the economy 4 and below. And if I take what's conventionally the top three boxes though, I'm only at 25%, 26%. And if I take the...

Deep Dive with Pollster Mark Penn

August 20, 2019 17:28 - 44 minutes - 40.7 MB

The monthly Harvard Harris Poll is where we talk about the American public, and using 2,000 interviews with registered voters, really analyze what they think about today's hot issues. In particular, not only are we going to cover the 2020 election, but we're also going to do deep dives into the economy, immigration, guns, and of course, growing concern about tech companies over the subject of antitrust. You won't to miss the in-depth topics that we cover in this month's Harvard Ha...

Voters' Antitrust Concerns About Google and Big Tech

August 19, 2019 00:00 - 3 minutes - 3.52 MB

Let's take a look at antitrust, and perhaps the newest target of antitrust, big technology companies. Do you think that Internet giants such as Google, Facebook and Amazon, among others, are helping or hurting innovation in the economy? Good news, tech companies can look at this, 62% say that they are helping innovation in this country, and only 37% say hurting. Do you believe that Internet giants such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, among others, are helping or hurting competition in...

July 2, 2019 - Episode 4

July 02, 2019 20:04 - 35 minutes - 32.3 MB

Each month, Presidential Pollster Mark Penn shares findings from the latest Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, which is released by the Center for American Political Studies at Harvard and The Harris Poll. To sign up for regular updates and to learn more about poll results and coverage, visit and follow @Mark_Penn_Polls on Twitter.

Congressional Job Approval

May 14, 2019 17:35 - 36 seconds - 559 KB

Presidential Pollster Mark Penn explains the recent drop in Congressional Job Approval and warns that Democrats need to move past the Mueller Report and focus on infrastructure and other issues voters really care about. Follow @Mark_Penn_Polls on Twitter for regular updates.

Do Endorsements Still Matter?

May 13, 2019 20:33 - 39 seconds - 616 KB

Presidential Pollster Mark Penn discusses former Vice President Joe Biden's lead in the 2020 endorsement race and explains their relevance. Follow @Mark_Penn_Polls on Twitter for regular updates and download the full podcast:

Bernie, AOC & Biden

May 13, 2019 18:59 - 39 seconds - 617 KB

Presidential Pollster Mark Penn on how the alliance between Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez affects Former Vice President Joe Biden's current 30+ point lead. Follow @Mark_Penn_Polls on Twitter and bookmark this page:

Trump Job Approval Surge Explained

May 13, 2019 17:05 - 35 seconds - 540 KB

Presidential Pollster Mark Penn (@Mark_Penn_Polls) explains President Trump's recent overall job approval rating surge.

Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll Audio Breakdown

May 13, 2019 16:00 - 45 minutes - 41.2 MB

Each month, Presidential Pollster Mark Penn shares findings from the latest Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, which is released by the Center for American Political Studies at Harvard and The Harris Poll. To sign up for regular updates and to learn more about poll results and coverage, visit and follow @Mark_Penn_Polls on Twitter.

Biden Numbers

April 15, 2019 18:44 - 31 seconds - 479 KB

Before he's even out of the starting gate, Former Vice President Biden has been facing a huge controversy about whether or not he was inappropriate in the way he touched others. So far, the polling ... if you look at what's happening in Iowa and New Hampshire ... is showing that's probably not his big problem. He remains number one ... the number one choice of Democratic voters, but there are some up-and-comers that could unseat him, and his problem could be that he's from the past ...

Mayor Pete

April 15, 2019 16:19 - 33 seconds - 522 KB

Mayor Pete is definitely surging in the polls. Buttigieg has come on from nowhere, to between 9% and 11% in Iowa and New Hampshire polls that have just come out. And as a Midwestern mayor, he could play very powerfully in the Iowa primary. Certainly, he's got early appeal. He could be that magic candidate coming down to this primary. We've been looking. There are a couple of front runners, but they're front runners who ran last time. They might be overtaken by an insurgent candidacy...

Episode 4 - Harvard Harris Poll Podcast

March 12, 2019 15:36 - 10 minutes - 9.43 MB

Episode 4 - Harvard Harris Poll Podcast by Presidential Pollster Mark Penn

Episode 2 - Harvard Harris Poll Podcast

March 12, 2019 15:01 - 9 minutes - 8.49 MB

Episode 2 - Harvard Harris Poll Podcast by Presidential Pollster Mark Penn

Episode 1 - Harvard Harris Poll Podcast

March 12, 2019 14:59 - 9 minutes - 8.34 MB

Episode 1 - Harvard Harris Poll Podcast by Presidential Pollster Mark Penn

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@mark_penn_polls 19 Episodes