Happy Lunar New Year, Scuttlebutt listeners. I hope the Year of the Cat is off to a start for everyone. This week, we welcome Dr. Michael Hunzeker for first ever

The post Scuttlebutt Ep 65: Michael Hunzeker first appeared on Marine Corps Association.

Happy Lunar New Year, Scuttlebutt listeners. I hope the Year of the Cat is off to a start for everyone. This week, we welcome Dr. Michael Hunzeker for first ever segment crossover – Strait Talk and World of Wargaming (Strait Wargaming? War Talk?) – discussing the recent CSIS wargame of a potential conflict in the Taiwan Strait (spoiler alert: everyone dies!) Just a few weeks ago, the Center for Strategic and International Studies published results of their recent wargame of a Chinese amphibious invasion of Taiwan. Vic, William, and Dr. Hunzeker discuss the results, the benefits and drawbacks of these types of simulations, and the harsh realities of conducting war in the Taiwan Strait. Dr. Hunezeker recently returned from a trip to Taiwan, so his on-the-ground perspective is really interesting. He’s back doing in-person classes at George Mason University in the spring, so if you’re looking to take a class in strategic studies or feel like your GI Bill is burning a hole in your pocket, check him out. Hope you all enjoy the show and thanks for your continued support. Chuc Mung Nam Moi!


Produced by Vic Ruble, William Treuting, and Nancy Lichtman.

<p>The post Scuttlebutt Ep 65: Michael Hunzeker first appeared on Marine Corps Association.</p>