Hello everyone. Recently we welcomed to the studio Amy Rupertus Peacock and Don Brown, authors of “Old Breed General: How Marine Corps General William H. Rupertus Broke the Back of the Japanese in

The post Scuttlebutt Ep 54: Old Breed General first appeared on Marine Corps Association.

Hello everyone. Recently we welcomed to the studio Amy Rupertus Peacock and Don Brown, authors of “Old Breed General: How Marine Corps General William H. Rupertus Broke the Back of the Japanese in World War II from Guadalcanal to Peleliu” for an awesome and informative conversation. Among many things, General William H. Rupertus is the author of the Rifleman’s Creed, and we got to chat about his accomplishments beyond this, from his two tours serving in China before World War II to his leadership at Tulagi, Guadalcanal, Cape Gloucester, and Peleliu. As you probably deduced by the name, Amy is Gen Rupertus’ granddaughter, so it was a lot of fun to unpack Rupertus’ journey through war in the Pacific with one of his actual family members, and it was fascinating to see how the events of the Pacific during WWII parallel the modern landscape. Hope you enjoy!

Amy’s Author Website: https://amyrupertuspeacock.com

Videos of General Rupertus: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXvhD3oL2D_j_wADFG_Iylg/ 

Pick up Old Breed General Here: https://lnkd.in/eSPmCvfG

Check Out Don Brown’s other works: https://lnkd.in/e497AAYf

The views and opinions expressed on Scuttlebutt are those of the individuals and do not reflect the official position of the Marine Corps Association.

Produced by Nick Wilson, Vic Ruble, William Treuting, and Nancy Lichtman.

<p>The post Scuttlebutt Ep 54: Old Breed General first appeared on Marine Corps Association.</p>