tale of Pvt Bill Turner, but veering into more lighthearted fare as we peruse ancient December editions of Leatherneck Magazine for dinner menus, old advertisements, and poetry.

The post Scuttlebutt 12: Christmases Past first appeared on Marine Corps Association.

Merry Christmas from Scuttlebutt! We are celebrating the season by taking a look back in time, starting with the tragic tale of Pvt Bill Turner, but veering into more lighthearted fare as we peruse ancient December editions of Leatherneck Magazine for dinner menus, old advertisements, and poetry.

Thanks for tuning in!

The views and opinions expressed on Scuttlebutt are those of the individuals and do not reflect the official position of the Marine Corps Association.

Produced by Nick Wilson, Vic Ruble, William Treuting, and Nancy Lichtman.

<p>The post Scuttlebutt 12: Christmases Past first appeared on Marine Corps Association.</p>