
The post Corps Voices: Episode 10, MajGen Marion E. Carl first appeared on Marine Corps Association.


Focus Group Questionnaire:

What about membership is most important to you?

Getting the Gazette and/or LeatherneckDiscounts/sales at the Marine ShopBelonging to the Professional Association of the Marine Corps

What subjects would you like to read more of in the Gazette?

Military Strategy/Defense PolicyOperations and TacticsFuture War and InnovationLeadershipTraining and PMEOther ____________________________________________________________

What features would you like to see more of in Leatherneck

Marine Corps History (up to Vietnam)More recent Marine Operations (1980s to the present)Biographic articles on notable MarinesMarine humorWriting and Photo contests

Do you shop at the Marine Shop either in-store or on-line?


What would you like the association to do that it currently does not?

Scholarships for off-duty educationReunions for units or regionsNetworking for transitioning MarinesEmployment seminars for spouses

Have you ever attended an MCA&F professional dinner or event?


Do you belong to any other military associations, or societies?

USNIMCAAMOAAMarine Corps LeagueOther_____________________________________________________________

Do you read military related blogs or websites?

War on the Rocks Task & Purpose Strategy Bridge   Other _____________________

Do you listen to audio books?

Do you listen to podcasts?


Focus Group Questionnaire:

Why are you not (currently) a member of the Marine Corps Associaton?  

Not worth it, nothing of relevant value to meFelt like I was forced to join at Bootcamp or sometime in the pastUsed the discount for my uniform and never renewed

Have you ever received an award for excellence at a formal school or training program?


Do you read the Gazette and/or Leatherneck?


If you do, how?

Borrow a copyRead the office copy (unit subscription)Read the free content on-lineRead local copies (unit PME)

Has your unit ever conducted a battlefield study or staff ride?


If yes where/what battle?  _______________________________________________________

Have you ever used your unit’s library to read books from the Commandant’s Professional Reading List?


Have you ever attended an MCA&F professional dinner or event?


Do you belong to any other military associations, or societies?

USNIMCAAMOAANCOAMarine Corps LeagueOther_____________________________________________________________

Do you read military related blogs or websites?

War on the Rocks Task & Purpose Strategy Bridge Other _____________________

Do you listen to audio books?

Do you listen to podcasts?

<p>The post Corps Voices: Episode 10, MajGen Marion E. Carl first appeared on Marine Corps Association.</p>