This week I’m talking to Gillian Levy, Co-Founder of Humboldt Apothecary, a women-owned Cannabis tincture business in the heart of Humboldt County.  She and her business partner, Susan Cleverdon, created Humboldt Apothecary with a vision of crafting Cannabis based products that could target and support healing and wellness for a variety of conditions. Gillian and Susan have used their love and knowledge of medicinal herbs to formulate blends of plants that synergize well with Cannabis to create maximum therapeutic benefits.  The company has a commitment to using only the highest quality, most environmentally sustainable ingredients. They support organic practices and small farmers to deliver products that are safe, effective, ethical and truly vibrant.

In our chat,  Gillian and I dig into her path from botanist, environmental consultant and herbalist for 20 years to cannabis entrepreneur; The way in which some cultivation practices have impacted the environment & watersheds in the Humboldt community and how compliance/permitting with agencies can be a great opportunity to restore balance to ecosystems that have been impacted by grows; Jumping into business from a place of passion and figuring it out along the way; Learning how to effectively communicate your message to your customer; The value and enriching experience of connecting with your customer and receiving real time feedback; Pivoting quickly to reformulate thousands of dollars worth of inventory to comply with a new regulation and while continuing to meet customer needs; How Gillian and Susan brought their tinctures to market; Rebranding product packaging to convey trust, quality & consistency while meeting the demands of new regs and critical consumer feedback; Things to consider if thinking about getting into the tincture business; And more! Tune into our chat now!


This episode is supported by S.W. Basics. S.W. Basics is revolutionary minimalist skincare. Most importantly, minimalist skincare that works. Fewer ingredients = better skincare! Use the code JAC at checkout for 15% OFF the your order.



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