Linda Binns is an accomplished energy coach, speaker and author of several books on energy. Throughout her life she has been something of a medical mystery to medical doctors and natural health practitioners alike, as her body responds in unexpected ways to treatments. Through self-awareness and taking responsibility for her own health, she now knows this is not because there is something wrong with her that needs to be fixed, but rather she has learned how to embrace her body’s uniqueness and work with it, rather than against it. Her mission is to help others with similar experiences to do the same.

Some words from Linda:

"When I turned 40 it was like a switch went off in my body. I gained weight and became more and more tired. Every doctor, natural health practitioner and energy healer I worked with thought they had the answers and that they could help me. Nothing worked. The phrase I became used to hearing was "That's unusual. I've never seen anyone respond that way before." I developed insomnia and, although occasionally I was able to lose a few pounds temporarily, it would always come back again no matter what I did. I really wanted to find the person who could fix me. I thought there must be someone out there who knew what was wrong with me. It took me 20 years of self-discovery and learning to understand myself and my body so that I could finally find some answers. I have finally been able to lose the weight, and for the first time ever feel good about my body. My health journey is ongoing and my body has a lot to tell me - I have now learned to listen. Most of all, and what I want to share, is that there is a percentage of the population (about 20%) who are just like me and have similar experiences and frustrations when it comes to their health (and other areas of their life). I want to share what I now know so they can avoid the frustrations and pitfalls that I have experienced.'

"Know, accept and BE who you are. Learn how to listen to your body and take responsibility for your health. Don't wait for someone to 'fix' you."

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