I’ve seen in my own life that I can’t ever really hide anything. If I have a truth that I want to hide behind deception - it will always come out.

Men, this matters. And we need to have this hard conversation today.

More from Josh Hatcher: http://joshhatcher.com

More from Manlihood: http://manlihood.com

Cosmic Laws

Whether you believe in God, or just the random spinning of the universe, we have to believe in certain cosmic laws. I would call them divine laws - you may call them something else. We may even disagree on what some of them are - but there are many that we find common ground on.

Sowing and Reaping

The principle of sowing and reaping is one of those cosmic laws. What you plant, you will pick. If you plant tomato plants, you will not pick zucchini - you will pick tomatoes.

If I treat people poorly, it will come back to me. If I lie, it will eventually be exposed.

When we try to bury certain behaviors or attitudes, that is honestly like burying a seed in the ground. It will grow and eventually - we’ll harvest it.

Truth Always Come Out

Let’s not be so short sighted to think that just because we did not get caught NOW, that we’re going to get away scott-free. Eventually, the truth always comes out.

Honest is truly the best policy

I would rather someone be honest with me up front - then for me to trust them, only to find out that they lied.

Better to come clean than to be stripped bare

Given the choice between exposing my mistakes, and being exposed by someone else - I can assure you that coming forward and telling the truth is a much better feeling than having someone else tell all of your dirty laundry for you.