Are you tired of surface-level relationships and ready to take the leap into building authentic friendships? As men, we often struggle to form deep connections with others, but it's not impossible. In this blog post, we're going to explore the key ingredients for making authentic friendships and give you actionable steps to take in order to start building the kind of relationships that will bring meaning and fulfillment to your life."

About Simon Brolund

Simon Brolund is the co-founder of Authentic Friendship, a program designed to teach individuals how to build and deepen friendships. He has a background as a serial entrepreneur and trained teacher, and has been coaching and mentoring people on the subject of friendship for the last 15 years. Simon is also a tech-savvy and passionate about bringing the topic of friendship to the forefront, removing the shame around the struggles of building connections. He believes that every person is worthy of love and belonging, and that authentic friendships are the key to fulfilling this need. In this episode of the Manlihood ManCast, Simon will be sharing his expertise on the subject and discussing how men can improve their social skills and build deeper connections with others.

Building Authentic Friendships

Simon explains that the Enneagram personality system, which is based on how individuals see the world, can be a powerful tool for understanding oneself and connecting with others on a deeper level. He also emphasizes the importance of finding common ground and shared interests, whether it be through church, entrepreneurship, or a specific lifestyle, in order to build strong connections.

Trust and Vulnerability

Simon also delves into the topic of trust and vulnerability in friendships, and how it is important to be able to communicate openly and honestly with one's friends. He stresses the importance of not only being able to receive feedback, but also being willing to give it in a loving way, in order to build stronger relationships.

Balancing Family and Friendship

Lastly, Simon addresses the issue of balancing time with friends and family, particularly when one's spouse may not be on board with spending time with friends. He suggests having open and honest conversations with one's spouse about what fuels and makes one feel alive, and finding ways to set each other free to be the best versions of themselves.


Overall, Simon emphasizes the importance of taking friendships seriously and actively working to build deeper connections with other men. He encourages listeners to be vulnerable, communicate openly, and to find shared interests in order to form authentic and fulfilling friendships.

More from Simon Brolund

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