J. Chris Templeton | The Stories We Tell Ourselves

You tell yourself stories all the time. Those stories affect the way you react to the world around you. They affect the way you treat people. Today’s guest is going to help you reframe those stories by looking at the truth.

J. Chris Templeton is the founder of Oh The Stories We Tell, a model for self-awareness and self-development with three simple questions and a resulting model. With his model, Chris is passionate about helping people achieve greater self-awareness, self-development, and self-leadership.

Chris was inspired to develop the model in 2003 by Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now and Jill Bolte-Taylor’s TED Talk “My Stroke of Insight.” Since then, he has been working to develop the model into a book, illustrated piece, and video.

Chris has spent most of his career as an entrepreneur in online marketing, but he has also spent several years at a Fortune 500 financial services company. He has been happily married to his wife of 27 years, and the couple has raised three children into adulthood.

Chris’s goal with his podcast is to provide people with a tool to help them enhance and clarify what is most important to them in their family, friends, work, and most importantly themselves. It is not a therapy or a belief system, but a simple and common-sense tool that is incredibly powerful.

More from J. Chris Templeton

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