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Fatherhood isn’t for the faint of heart. So many dads struggle to connect with their kids in a meaningful way, and while I think our generation is striving to do better than the generation before us, there’s always room for improvement.

Be Present and involved

Your family needs you more than they need your paycheck. I’m not saying you shouldn’t work to provide, I’m saying - you should make sure that you are present. It’s better to have a little less than it is to have a lot of stuff, and no time with them.

And don’t just be present, but be involved. Change diapers, help with feeding, read to them, tuck them in. As they get older, play with them, teach them, work with them, and make sure that you’re not a disconnected dad out in the garage trying to hide from them.

Have Fun

Your home should be filled with laughter and fun. Even teenagers need to play. Even adult children need to play! So play, laugh, and go on adventures often!

Be Strict

It almost sounds counter to everything we see in today's culture that being a strict parent with clear rules and consequences is actually a good thing.  But i firmly believe it’s true. Establish your code of ethics and rules in your home. Establish clear discipline and consequences for breaking that code. Enforce firmly, but with mercy and patience.

Be loving

Hug and kiss your kids. Praise your kids. Tell them you love them everyday. Make “I Love you” the most commonly spoken words under your roof.

Speak more praise than criticism

This doesn’t mean you can’t correct - but it does mean, you need to praise them for the good things they do as often as you can. Even when offering correction - find something to praise them for.