Welcome to Manifesting Miracles with Michelle J. Lamont, the podcast that guides you to align yourself with the highest frequency, the highest vibration, and the absolute best way to manifest anything into reality!

In this episode, your manifestation expert Michelle dives into the Great Awakening, your spiritual journey during this new era on Earth, and how to know if you are doing it right. So how can we tell if we are on the right spiritual track? What are the telltale signs that we are manifesting in the era of the Great Awakening?

No matter if you have been listening since day one or this is your first time tuning in, from this moment forward, your life will never be the same! You are the ultimate creator of your reality, and it is time for you to receive every single thing you desire! So listen in, learn how to tap into your superpowers, and manifest the life of your dreams!


Becoming the creator of your reality starts NOW!Telltale signs you are manifesting in the Great Awakening What is the most difficult part of manifesting?You don’t need permission to be abundant!How to release, let go, forgive, and activate your power!


“All of the things that you need to create with, you were born with.”“This is the podcast, this is the time, this is the place, and this is the situation in which you will be transformed!”


👉🏼 Manifestation demystified: https://manifestingmiracles.thinkific.com/courses/manifestation-crash-course
👉🏼 Subscribe to my newsletter & get a free copy of my e-book: https://www.michellejlamont.com/

👉🏼 Grab your manifestation mug and start out your morning abundantly: https://michellejlamont.shop/
👉🏼 21-day blueprint to manifesting money: https://manifestingmiracles.thinkific.com/courses/from-doubt-to-dollars
👉🏼 Live 2024 class schedule: https://www.michellejlamont.com/courses/
👉🏼 Book your 1:1 call with me & claim your abundance: https://www.michellejlamont.com/coaching-program/

xoxo Michelle J. Lamont
IG: @michellejlamont
TIKTOK: @michellejlamont