Manifest- QUANTUM Shift Into your Desired Reality, Part B: EP 104


Right now, many of us are waking up living a life based on our history, making it a part of our everyday life and dooming ourselves to repeat it. But our past is not our identity; it was just something to get you to where you are today. 


In this episode, Michelle J. Lamont asks you to release your history and continue the steps to quantum leap into your next reality. Disrupt your current existence and listen in as Michelle shares the things you can do to open up your field of attraction and align with your highest reality.


You can either spend your life making your dreams come true, or spend your life working for someone who is.


Are you ready to manifest the life of your dreams and level up in ALL areas of your reality? Book a FREE 15-minute call with Michelle today! 

Reach out to Michelle via any of the following to start manifesting the deepest of your desires!

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Email | [email protected] 



- Time is precious, don’t waste it on low vibrations

- You are not attached to your past - embrace it and release it

- What is your field of energy?

- How to assume your new reality 

- Have you done Michelle’s 10-day challenge?

- Recognize your highest self 

- Why you need to do something unexpected!



“If you're still attached to your lack, if you're still attached your doubt, if you're still attached to your fear, if you're still attached to your insecurity, if the ego says stay where you are, then that's exactly what you're going to be doing.”

 “To create in a new field of reality, you're going to have to start creating from the future self. And the future self does not do the same thing every single day.”



Learn to create your own reality through clarity calls or one-on-one coaching with Michelle J. Lamont at 

Follow Michelle on Instagram @michellejlamont -