We are conditioned to believe what our subconscious mind wants us to believe, often bringing us back to beliefs of unworthiness and doubt that we have learned through trauma and childhood. So how can we access the power of affirmations if we are consistently fighting against the machine of ourselves?

Tune in as Michelle J. Lamont explains why positivity is NOT the answer. Manifestation takes release, energetic alignment, and liberating yourself from lower vibrations. Listen in and get on the right side of energy!


What is a mantra versus affirmation?Does being positive actually work? Questioning the why and how is the death of all manifestation Healing does not happen in a straight lineWhy affirmations only work when the subconscious is open to itHow to become an ally to your unconscious mind 


“You're fighting against the machine of you, instead of aligning with it. So in order for you to get into a place where you are completely clear, it takes energy, it takes vibration, it takes real work. It takes moving forward and releasing. And it also takes a little bit of science.”


👉🏼 Manifestation demystified: https://manifestingmiracles.thinkific.com/courses/manifestation-crash-course
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👉🏼 21-day blueprint to manifesting money: https://manifestingmiracles.thinkific.com/courses/from-doubt-to-dollars
👉🏼 Live 2024 class schedule: https://www.michellejlamont.com/courses/
👉🏼 Book your 1:1 call with me & claim your abundance: https://www.michellejlamont.com/coaching-program/

xoxo Michelle J. Lamont
IG: @michellejlamont
TIKTOK: @michellejlamont