“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear!” And here you are with Michelle J. Lamont - author,  professional speaker, life and abundance coach, and manifestation master - ready to help you get from where you are right now to a walking, talking, cussing, spitting, speaking, manifesting manifester!

In this powerful episode, Michelle answers a question she receives almost every day: how do we know this is working? So often, we go down the rabbit hole of how to manifest things in our reality. We get lost in the process. “Am I saying the right thing?” “Did I do it right?” So how do we know if what we desire, what we want to manifest, and what we want to shift out of and into is coming?

Tune in as your manifestation guru shares the telltale signs that what you want to manifest is coming into your reality, as well as reveals her tips for activating the law of attraction and becoming another Michelle manifestation success story!


Everyone can be a manifesting manifester!How do we know if what we are trying to manifest is on its way?Your angels and guides LOVE your attentionThe sure sign that a shift is about to happen


“So is it on its way? Yes. Vibrationally, it's already there. It's us that can't find our way to that thing.”“It's not the practice. It's you. It's you! You have to decide that you're worthy of it.”


👉🏼 Manifestation demystified: https://manifestingmiracles.thinkific.com/courses/manifestation-crash-course
👉🏼 Subscribe to my newsletter & get a free copy of my e-book: https://www.michellejlamont.com/

👉🏼 Grab your manifestation mug and start out your morning abundantly: https://michellejlamont.shop/
👉🏼 21-day blueprint to manifesting money: https://manifestingmiracles.thinkific.com/courses/from-doubt-to-dollars
👉🏼 Live 2024 class schedule: https://www.michellejlamont.com/courses/
👉🏼 Book your 1:1 call with me & claim your abundance: https://www.michellejlamont.com/coaching-program/

xoxo Michelle J. Lamont
IG: @michellejlamont
TIKTOK: @michellejlamont