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Navigating life after the arrival of my second son, I experienced a spiritual awakening that pivoted my world towards the extraordinary power of manifesting with love. Embark on this heartfelt journey with me, Dr. Norma Reyes, as I recount the quirky yet enlightening moments of aiming to be a motivational speaker—yes, even practicing with a giant pencil as a microphone! Witness the transformative impact of maintaining a high vibrational state, and how it's vital for effective manifestation. From the personal shifts post-parenthood to the wisdom gleaned from a myriad of books, this episode is a treasure trove of inspiration, illustrating how to turn love into a magnetic force for abundance.

This time around, I'm peeling back the layers of manifesting with love, showing you how it's more than just a feel-good concept—it's a strategic approach to reshaping our lives. I'll guide you through using love to dissolve fear and resistance, emphasizing the shift from scarcity to prosperity. Plus, for those eager to dive deeper, I'm thrilled to offer you the chance to join me for a discovery call. Let's connect and grow a community rooted in the successful practices of manifesting, where your feedback and stories are the heartbeat of our conversation. Join me for this empowering session, and together, let's sow the seeds of love to reap an abundant life.

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