Life is ten percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it. - Dorothy M. Neddermeyer

Does your soul need a pep-talk? Is your anxiety creating a narrative that leaves you feeling powerless? There’s nothing wrong with you. Seriously.

Today I’m going to share some mindset tips about how to stop shaming yourself for living with anxiety, going from loathing to loving change in your life, how to help cleanse your energy field around you from toxic relationships, and live by your NEW Golden Rule so you’re back into alignment with the Universe to ManiFAST: Manifest Faster, everything you desire for your life and your career.

Because there’s no reason to feel guilt around making empowering choices for yourself…are you ready to give yourself permission to be happy and transform your relationships with anxiety and toxic people? Then take a listen…


Want to manifest faster? Grab the best-selling books, "Don't Feel Stuck!" and "Don't Feel Stuck in Love!", available via Audible, Kindle, and paperback!

XOXO Jaclyn

Instagram: @themanifestit

Manifest It!®

Bruce Springsteen's interview on mental health with Esquire Magazine