I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass. — Maya Angelou

In today's episode, I interview Whitnee Nicole, professional clinical therapist, and creator of Innervibe Tribe. She is sharing her tips to help you receive your dreams of being a successful career woman AND having the best relationships in your life at the SAME time. Over the years, women were taught to have one OR the other, and civilization still likes to treat science and spirituality as separate entities. Whitnee explains why it’s helpful to marry the two lifestyles, and the two realms, because everything is connected unto itself.

Key Topics of Discussion:

Dealing with narcissistic people and those who gaslight you into making you feel like you’re the “crazy” one (you’re not crazy)

Marrying the ying-yang of the masculine and feminine energy of the Universe from a scientific perspective AND a spiritual perspective (why is it still being treated as separate from each other)

Why Whitnee uses a hybrid model for business branding and why it’s important to do so (I do the same: using our names AND business names for branding)

Learning the character traits of being authentic and transparent in both your life and in your career through the “shedding” process

Getting through the negative energy of divorce and discovering your NEW Carrie Bradshaw mentality about life (being “single” is the new “20’s” ladies!)

Dating again with your new outlook about self-love and self-esteem and the importance of setting positive boundaries

Understanding and embracing that we are life-long students in the process of releasing resistance

Synchronicities of astrology signs who cross our paths to help us heal and evolve in our lives

Why you DON’T want to manifest a specific person into your love relationships (this can even apply to work relationships and friendships, too)

For more information, please go to:

Whitnee Nicole

Instagram: @innervibetribe 


Want to manifest faster? Grab the best-selling books, "Don't Feel Stuck!" and "Don't Feel Stuck in Love!", available via Audible, Kindle, and paperback!

XOXO Jaclyn

Manifest It!®

Instagram: @themanifestit


This podcast recorded on Jan 6, 2021

This podcast interview was recorded using Zoom (I’m sorry about quirky quarks in this one…haha).