Join Dr. Shelly Burns and Lauren Chiren as they discuss how she is transforming organizations to fully support women from menstruation to menopause.

Lauren Chiren is an entrepreneur, passionate about supporting people to navigate all things menstruation to menopause successfully. She is a global keynote speaker, trainer & coach on executive wellbeing. She left her senior role in financial services, in her early 40's believing that she was suffering from early-onset
dementia. Imagine her surprise when her doctor informed her, that she had 'just' been through menopause?!

Today she educates employers on why being from menstruation to menopause is supportive, is business savvy, and supports high-performing people to navigate the changes and challenges of all things hormonal. Lauren has helped thousands of executives, celebrities, and athletes globally as a trusted expert. She is qualified in psychology, mental health, menopause, nutrition, coaching, personal training, and more. Lauren shares her knowledge and stimulates the debate on what being well means, at all stages of life, with insightful directness, commercial pragmatism, and absolute passion for ensuring optimum health and resilience.

Lauren’s goal is to transform global attitudes to health, specifically menstruation to menopause, helping organizations to support their teams through these menstrual and menopausal transformations successfully, and empower people to retain their vitality, increase their influence and step thoroughly into their personal power through all their life stages.

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Download the Top 12 Perimenopause and Menopause Secrets Revealed