Scripture: Ephesians 1.3 - 19

Scripture to Remember: Ephesians 1.17-19

For this reason, I kneel before the Father. - Ephesians 3.14

In the prison prayers of Paul, we discover the blessings that Paul wanted followers of Christ to enjoy. In none of these prayers does Paul request material possessions. His prayers are for spiritual wisdom and the Christ-centered character for those that follow Him.  He does not ask God to give them what they do not have, but rather prays that God will reveal to them who they already are in Christ.  

1 -  In Ephesians 1.17, Paul prays that we receive wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God…. Our new life as followers of Jesus becomes an adventure of embracing promises more and more as we journey through life.  Peter richly connects the comprehensive nature of our possession that we have in Christ and the promises found in the knowledge of God.  Read 2 Peter 1.3-4.  What do you learn from this scripture? Talk about ways that you might grow in the knowledge of God. Take a first next step by adopting as a spiritual habit some of the ways that you just shared. 

2 -  In Ephesians 1.18, Paul prays that we will know our position and our possession… Paul has listed our ‘possessions’ in Christ in Ephesians 1.3-14.  Make your way through these verses and list what Paul has written about you and your life in Christ. What do you learn about your position in life through the eyes of Jesus? How are you re-thinking your view of yourself; His ways; and His purposes in you?  How will this shape your day to day life??

3 - In Ephesians 1.19, Paul prays that we will know the immeasurable greatness of His power….  Essentially, Paul is praying that we will take possession of what we already possess.  We have every spiritual blessing in Christ. The word for immeasurable power, from the greek language is ‘dunamis’, which is the same word that was used to describes the power that raised Christ from the dead..  What is an area of your life that invites immeasurable and life-giving hope?  Look back at the list from question #2.. What would shift as you walk in the truths of the new life that you have in Christ?  What would come alive?  What might you let go?

Jesus’ divine power has given you everything that you need for life and godliness in the knowledge of God.  - 2 Peter 1

The greatest gift that you can give to this church is to be rightly connected to Jesus Christ, and for the love of God in Christ to be flowing through your life.