Scripture: Philippians 1.4-11

Scripture to Remember: Philippians 1.9-11

For this reason, I kneel before the Father. - Ephesians 3.14

The church of Philippi was forged through prayer and initiated by the supernatural work of God in Christ. The Spirit of God connected hearts, continents, circumstances, spiritual hunger and a heart to know our Rescuing Redeemer. At great cost, God connected Paul as a discipling leader for this church. With great passion, a small group of spiritually hungry stood outside the gates and prayed day in and day out. At even greater cost of imprisonment, worship and miraculous provision of freedom, God grew this amazing Macedonian church. They are a people quite familiar with prevailing power of prayer.  So, Paul carries on in prayer as he writes…..

1- Paul prays for abounding love among His people…The words ‘keep on’ presupposes that they are already loving God. Already loving Jesus Christ. Already loving one another. No matter where a faith family may be in their journey, Paul prays for exponential increase in their love.  What are the practical implications of this prayer for our Mandarin family?  How will we know that we are abounding, more and more, in our love for Christ and for one another?

2 - Paul prays that this love abound in real knowledge and in depth of insight. Talk about very real ways that you may grow in the knowledge of God. What will this growth require of you?  Who will grow with you? He also invites us to abound in discernment or depth of insight.  This abundance is the capacity to best serve and to love those who make up your faith family. He is praying that you will know best how to love one another. Talk about what this means for you and what impact this desire can have on our Mandarin family?  Brainstorm abounding love, care and serving one another for awhile and share ideas. 

3- Paul prays that we determine and pursue what is best or superior or excellent. He prays that you are able to set proper values on things, not so much the ability to distinguish good from bad, but good from the best; to focus your time and energy on what really matters. What do you believe that God values most?  Explore this thought. Do you value what He values most?  In this context of prayer, Paul is praying that we will love one another and love Christ in the BEST ways. How are you loving others best?  

4 - Finally, Paul prays that we will be sincere and blameless.  That we are authentic. Avoid offense. Intentionally love and serve. Cause no one to stumble.  Walk upright ourselves.  Our lives can only be judged ‘in the sunlight’ as sincere. We love with abundance because we are loved in abundance by our God.  Because this is true, what may be the issue if we are in fractured situations and our love seems to be waning?  Talk about this.  There is no explanation for us this abounding love except God who is at work within us both to will and to work for His good pleasure and His glory.

The greatest gift that you can give to this church is to be rightly connected to Jesus Christ, and for the love of God in Christ to be flowing through your life.