Hello everybody!

In my last two episodes, I talked about the reflective and formative measurements of latent constructs. Even though it seems to be easy tin understand which way you approach a latent construct, in real life, it is harder than one would think. I refer to two examples of the known questionnaires. 

Below, you find the papers I am referring to during this episode. 

Enjoy, comment, share, ask your questions, and subscribe - it does matter!



Yevgen (Eugene)  



Haslam, N. and Fiske, A.P. (1999) ‘Relational models theory: A confirmatory factor analysis’, Personal Relationships, 6(2), pp. 241–250.

Li, D.-Y. and Liu, J. (2014) ‘Dynamic capabilities, environmental dynamism, and competitive advantage: Evidence from China’, Journal of business research, 67(1), pp. 2793–2799.

Wilden, R. et al. (2013) ‘Dynamic capabilities and performance: Strategy, structure and environment’, Long range planning, 46(1–2), pp. 72–96.