Hello and welcome!


Today, I discuss what to do with the #data you collected with a #causalmap. You will have many distances from each person to all others (like a #correlation table). In our #dataanalysis, we applied #clustering - we clustered people based on their #similarity regarding the #mental #models. Later, you can use this cluster variable as your #dependentvariable when you look at what #causes similarity between people. Or you can use the cluster variable as a predictor, i.e. look at the consequences for #like-minded people. If it is not fully clear from my talk (I was a bit too emotional about our #findings), feel free to read our #academic #paper!

Good luck with your investigations!



Eugene (Yevgen) 


Our paper: 


Citation: Bogodistov, Y., Botts, M., & Schlatterer, F. (2019). Values congruence in multicultural groups: the causal mapping method. Journal for Multicultural Education, 13(1), 33-50.