Welcome, dear listeners,

today, I share the next episode of my #management #research #podcast. In this episode, I address one of your suggestions regarding the current topic - #psychological #games by Eric #Berne. In his suggestion, Mr @Despotovic proposed to treat three ego states as three types of identity (i.e., applying the #identitytheory). Although there are some issues with the compatibility of this view:

a. #identity types can be combined more easily

b. parent role integrated both the #roleidentity (parent) and #socialgroup belonging (parents talking to each other)

c. the theory by Berne focuses on communication only while identity theory has a broader scope


still the suggestion is VERY good and may indicate an interesting avenue for future research and maybe even #reconciliation of these theories.


Enjoy, comment, share, and send me your ideas!



Eugene (Yevgen)