Hello and welcome to my next episode in the mini-series dedicated to #psychological #games as postulated by Eric #Berne!


In this episode, I discuss the key element in this #theory - three #ego states. Berne argues that in any conversation it is not only person A is talking to person B but at a meta-level one of the ego states of person A communicates with the ego state of person B. Berne suggests three #egos - #Child-I, #Parent-I, and #Adult-I. Consequently, no matter what is being said, the #conversation can run between two children, two parents, two adults, or a parent and a child. 

This element is crucial to understanding why we sometimes end up with #conflicts or how #psychilogocialgames come to life. About these topics, I will talk in the next episode of my #podcast.

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Eugene (Yevgen)