Byron Hutcheson recently achieved his goal of retiring by 40 years old. He had worked in corporate finance for a commercial real estate company since 2005 before deciding "hang 'em up."

Now he's a full-time investor—primarily in commercial real estate. He also does some angel investing with your not-so-humble host. And was the best man at my wedding.

In this episode, we discuss his investment in Visiting Angels - a non-medical staffing company for seniors and others who need in-home assistance. Byron shares how he got started in franchise-investing and how lucrative it's been.

We also discuss our philosophies when investing with friends. Byron says they need to be a good steward of friends’ money and 100% committed to the project they're working on. He gives equal importance to the person's character.

Also Byron & I share a passion for travel. Since we've both been to Eastern Europe, Kauai (Hawaii), and Nicaragua, we talk about why those are outstanding places to visit.

Great discussion with a great friend. My favorite part is our chat about gaining total freedom over how you spend your day as the ideal way of living. Enjoy!