My guest is Alex Wieckowski. He’s the man behind the Alex & Books Instagram & website, where he shares book recommendations, summaries, and tips from reading 130+ books.

Alex is also the host of The Reader’s Journey podcast. As host of the show, he interviews amazing authors, discusses brilliant books, and learns valuable lessons along the way. He says his end goal in life is to make a full-time living just reading and writing books.

In this episode, we discuss how reading is a superpower. Alex says there’s more access to knowledge than ever before on the Internet. And if you can make reading fun and enjoyable for yourself, you become unstoppable. He adds that you cant compete with someone who finds reading fun, since they’re just going to keep on growing and getting better at their craft.

We also talk about how Alex started loving to read. He says he had already enjoyed reading different novel series' as a kid, but he stopped when he was forced to read classic books in middle school—he didn’t find them enjoyable to read. It wasn’t until later in college when he discovered self-help books that ultimately revitalized his passion for reading.

This is a great discussion with a sharp and insightful guest! Please enjoy!