
Well, after 170+ episodes of talk about purpose, porn, sexual performance, racial inequities, menstrual cycles and menopause, we finally decided to tackle “the last great taboo.”


It’s hard to believe, but this is in fact our very first money focused discussion on The Great Man Within Podcast.

But boy, do we have a doozy in store for you. 

That’s because we have one of the most visible and respected leaders in the Financial Independence movement joining us today:

My old college buddy and Great Man Mastermind brother, Brad Barrett. More on him in a moment.

If you haven’t heard of the Financial Independence (or FI) movement, you’re missing out.

The FI movement is a global community of millions of ordinary citizens breaking free from financial drift, making intentional decisions with their money, and get this:

Within a period of 5 to 15 years…having so much money saved that they can choose whether or not they want to work ever again.

Members of the FI community are hitting independence in their 40s, 30s or even sometimes their 20s. 

And most of these people are NOT extraordinary earners. Many of them are teachers, accountants, hair dressers, union workers or other typical middle class professions. 

Sounds impossible, no?

Or at least must require some superhuman level of savings and deprivation – like downsizing your family to a one bedroom studio and allocating toilet paper square allotments. 

Au contraie, my friends. It’s quite the opposite.

While achieving Financial Independence does require intentionality and discipline, it does not necessitate you giving up all of your life’s pleasures to become a frugal weirdo who eats brown bananas. 

Instead, Brad Barrett will be teaching us how the choice to begin your journey to financial independence is not only exciting, it has the potential to become one of the most meaningful inner work experiences of your life. 

And that, ultimately, leads to freedom.

Who is Brad Barrett

Brad Barrett is the co-host of the ChooseFI podcast, which is an astoundingly popular financially focused podcast…and beyond that, one of the most popular podcasts in the world. Put it this way, there are 850,000 podcasts in the interwebs today, and ChooseFI is one of the top 500 most downloaded. That puts it in the .0006% of all podcasts (or 6 basis points for you math geeks).  Brad and his wife Laura – and their two young daughters - achieved financial independence before the age of 40, which means they’ve saved enough money away to live off the interest of their savings that totally covers their yearly expenses If you’ve read my new bok, On Purpose Leadership, you already know about Brad, because I featured him the chapter outlining how to identify and follow your Greatest Energy – which is what Brad did to not only achieve FI, but to become one of the pillars of the movement itself

In this Episode

You’ll learn what is Financial Independence and the “why” behind committing to this lifestyle of living Why Brad calls “money the last great taboo.” Why not taking command of your financial decisions leads to a lifetime of living on the knife’s edge of losing your personal autonomy  Why and how you need to stop seeing saving money as “deprivation” and instead see it as your path to freedom  How to figure out exactly what your life costs The basic math behind how you can calculate your personal “financial independence” number


The ChooseFI Podcast: https://www.choosefi.com/episodes

ChooseFI Episode 38, “The Why of ChooseFI”: https://www.choosefi.com/038-the-why-of-fi

ChooseFI Episode 100, “Welcome to the FI Community”: https://www.choosefi.com/100-welcome-to-the-fi-community