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Inner work…what does it mean?

That’s a question I get asked all the time, and it’s really quite simple.

Inner work has two components*:

How do you want to FEEL in your inner world? What VALUES guide your life?

When I ask men that first question – how do you want to FEEL in your inner world, many of the responses I get are:

Powerful Purpose Driven Confident Feel My Fire Burning

To access those feelings, you often call upon your inner warrior – that part of you who moves through life with a purpose and a plan…and won’t be stopped by anyone.

And yet, you probably know what it’s like when you live too much of your life from your warrior: it’s exhausting.

It feels like you’re constantly fighting, grinding, striving, anxiety ridden with no end in sight.

So what happens?

You let the pendulum swing to the other extreme. You tell yourself to stop giving a fuck. You let dreams fade. Commitments drop. And you pull back from your own life.

Slowly and surely, you let opportunities slip through your fingers, you start to feel soft, you question your drive, all while the fire slowly burns down…

…and that’s when the self loathing begins and the inner critic puts you on blast.

Soon enough, the guilt kicks you right back to the other end of the spectrum in full warrior mode where you begin the boom bust cycle all over again.

I’ve been there many times, and it’s an exhausting way of living life.

What if there was a less extreme, more efficient way of accessing your Warrior energy on your terms, under your command? How could your life feel without the boom bust cycle, and instead walk a steadier, more intentional middle path where you call the shots on when you dial up and down the Warrior energy in your life?

That requires a new level of awareness, emotional maturity and self command that must be practiced.

In today’s episode, Bryan and I talk about our experiences with that boom bust cycle, and how we’re cultivating that intentional command of where and when we summon the warrior energy in our lives.


Warrior’s Creed by Roger Sparks

Stop Trying So Hard. Achieve More by Doing Less TEDx Talk by Bethany Butzer

*Shout out to Bethany Butzer for this definition of inner work. She’s a University of New York at Prague Professor and speaker of the Stop Trying So Hard. Achieve More by Doing Less TEDx Talk which has nearly 2 million views.