#9: Why did Dominick take a 4 year hiatus from porn, only to go back on the sauce in 2017?

How did temporary abstinence from both porn and masturbation influence Dominick's decision to leave a 15 year career in financial services and start his own business?

Dominick explains why roughly 50% of the newcomers in his Sex Addicts Anonymous meetings were there for porn addiction.

Men: This is a must listen if you want to understand the potential impact porn may be having on not only your sex life...but on the energy you bring to your entire life.

Parents: Telling your kids "not to watch porn" is ineffective and irresponsible. This episode will help you understand the effects of trying to hide your children from porn, or creating an environment of guilt/shame when your child comes across it.

Dominick and Bryan outline the first 3 of 5 stages a man unwittingly goes through in his lifelong relationship with porn (and why 95% of men will get stuck at stage #3)...and how that may lead to real-life impact to their intimate relationships and drive for life.

Bonus clip: Award winning spoken word poet Max Stossel's live 6-minute performance from our Discerning Dick event on Porn on how porn taught him what it meant to be a man, sexually (a universal teenage male's experience).