
As you grow on your inner work journey, you’ll find yourself less able to relate to some men in your life.

This is a candid discussion on What to Do When You Outgrow Your Male Friends.

This is the time to find new brothers – your new tribe of men – who are also on the inner work journey.


Join the Great Man Within Facebook Group






I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of all this ragging on how terrible 2020 is.


I’d much rather kick some ass.


If you’re feeling the same, let’s do something about it:


Starting Wednesday, October 7th, I’m leading a 6-week program for men called Power Up Your Purpose and Productivity.


I’ll be sharing with you some of my best stuff – programs that companies pay me tens of thousands of dollars for – for free. 


I’m doing this for free to establish and connect an online community of men who are walking the path of inner work…and who want the accountability of doing so alongside other Great Men.






Oct 7th: Purpose – Identifying Your Best Self

Oct 14th: The 4 Dimensions of Optimal Energy

Oct 21st: Design Your Morning Routine

Oct 28th: Design Your Evening Routine

Nov 4th: The Life Changing Magic of Mindfulness and Mindset

Nov 11th: A Great Man’s Guide to Sex and Porn


Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm ET


Where: Zoom


REGISTER NOW by joining the Great Man Within Facebook Group