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On this podcast we’ve had a number of experts who specialize in various realms of men’s health – physical, mental, emotional, sexual and otherwise – but this is the first time we’ve brought on a sex coach who specializes in working with male clients. 

Cam Fraser is a sex coach for men, a counselor, yoga teacher and tantric practitioner.

Cam’s highly regarded in the sex education communities where Bryan and I travel.

He specializes in helping men realize there’s nothing wrong with them if they experience premature ejaculation, low libido, erectile dysfunction…and instead provides practical guidance on how to take control over these areas of your sexual life which in turn brings confidence to all other areas of your life.

He also runs the Men, Sex and Pleasure podcast, where some of his most popular episodes include:

Sexual Kung Fu and Semen Retention Multiple Orgasms for Men Penis Size: Working With What You’ve Got

He’s also a new father of 4 month old Fergus…congratulations brother!

In this Episode

Cam gets into some practical techniques and practices to help train yourself to last as long as you want in bed. The 3 ways men tend to masturbate…and how none of them train you to have control over how long you last in bed How to start masturbating differently so you can enhance your control and lasting power Why using lube during masturbation may help you last longer with your partner 2 practices to enhance ejaculation control The practice of “pleasure mapping,” how it enhances your zones of pleasure, and why it’s an excellent intimacy building tool to use with your partner

And FYI because Cam’s on a 12 hour time difference and navigating the chaotic schedule of being a new father, the only time we were able to coordinate Bryan couldn’t swing…so he sends his regards.


Cam’s Website: https://www.cam-fraser.com
Cam on Instagram: @TheCamFraser
Cam’s TEDXPerth Talk: Language of Love
Cam’s Podcast: Men, Sex and Pleasure with Cam Fraser
Outperform a Porn Star 6 Week Course: Click Here

“20 Simple Things You Can Do To Last Longer” Instagram Post: Click Here