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There are two sides of mental health:

The treatment side and the training side.

Most of what we hear about is the treatment side – where mental illness resides.

What too few of us have access to is the mental training side – where we train for performance.

One of the essential ingredients of achieving optimal performance is consistent access to a Steady Mind.

But a steady mind doesn’t happen by accident…you need to train for it.

So today we’re talking training strategies with Dr. Seth Hickerson to steady your mind for optimal performance.

Who is Dr. Seth Hickerson?

• Dr. Hickerson is a mental performance training coach with his doctorate in Leadership
• He is the founder of MySteadyMind.com which delivers mindfulness and resiliency training to help you manage your emotions, focus your mind and elevate performance in career and personal life
• Served in two branches of the military – NAVY and Air Force

In This Episode

• The 2 processes you need to achieve a steady mind
• How mental training can boost your optimal performance from 20% of the time to 80% of the time
• The 6 mental skills you need to train
• The 3 ways to train a human…including the one we get trained in least often
• The 3 most difficult words for a man to say, and spoiler alert, they’re not “I love you.”

25% off Discount Code for Training Program
MySteadyMind.com training program discount code = MSM25