#12: Do you save photos of past lovers...even when you're entering another relationship?

Are you still social media "friends" with old lovers...without your current partner's knowledge?

Do you "follow" women on social media you secretly desire...without your partner's knowledge?

In our conversations with men, many answer YES to some or all of the above.

We've come to find it's not with malicious intent, rather a lack of awareness that any of these behaviors may be affecting their current relationships.

Dominick and Bryan open the kimono of their lives and share candidly on these exact topics:

Bryan wrestles with forever deleting a stash of 10 years worth of pictures of past lovers as his new relationship gets serious Dominick trashes 15 years worth of porn, videos, pictures of past lovers during his first month in Sex Addicts Anonymous recovery...which felt like putting down a trusted friend (like Old Yeller!) Dominick is surprised to learn a woman kept pictures of him during her committed relationship

We've never had so much fun recording an episode as this one...enjoy!