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Buy KavaPlex: Click Here (20% discount code: Ben)
Buy TruKava Shots: Click Here

This is episode #4 of our 4 part series on Optimizing Men's Health: Products and Services You May Not Know About, But Need To.

Today we’re talking about Kava.

Kava is a legal plant medicine that has been drunk for centuries by the people in the Pacific Islands (places like FIJI, Tonga and Papua New Guinea) to enjoy states of relaxed, calm, clear mindedness. Many Islanders will drink Kava in place of coffee or alcohol.

Kava is starting to gain recognition here in the states for elevating mood, enhancing quality sleep and also increasingly used as an alternative to alcohol.

Kava’s biggest claim to fame is it reduces anxiety.

For someone like me, who runs anxious, that’s appealing.

Kava’s also been known to enhance mental focus and creativity.

I’ve been using Kava since December of 2021 before bed to enhance my deep sleep.

But as you’ll hear today, not all Kava is created equal. There’s a lot of crap Kava out there, and you need to know how to avoid the crap and hone in on the good stuff.

It’s the same thing with coffee - Sanka ain’t the same as Bulletproof.

So I’ve brought on Cameron George, founder of TruKava, who’s products meet the rigorous standards of The World Health Organization to classify their Kava as a food safe for daily use.

And I’ve been using one of their products, KavaPlex, since December.


What is Kava, is it safe, who should and shouldn’t use it What are the ways in which you may might want to use Kava Cameron’s personal journey getting off Adderall and anti-anxiety medications in two months using Kava Links to TruKava products will in the shownotes