I’ll invite you to take a pause from whatever you’re doing to join me in a 60-second exercise.


This exercise may be the very difference…


…between looking back at yourself a year from now…


…and feeling immense pride about how you’ve shown up during these tumultuous times…


…or disappointed with yourself.


I’d like you to rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for each of these questions:


I’m proud about how I’ve shown up as a leader in my work over these last 2 months.


I’m proud about how I’ve shown up as a leader in my family/relationships over these last 2 months.


I’m proud about how I’ve led myself over these last 2 months.


Now take a look at the scores you gave yourself.


Which one requires the most immediate need of upgrade?


This is your area of focus for the next 7, 10 or 30 days.


One year from now you will look back at today’s version of you.


Will you be proud of him?


The choice is yours, today.