
Follow Dominick on Instagram: @DominickQ

Join the Great Man Mastermind: https://www.dominickq.com/masterminds/the-digital-mastermind

Join the Facebook Group for Men: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheGreatManWithin


In the final quarter of 2021, we did a popular 13-week series called “Building Your Best Self.”

We tackled topics like working with anger, mastering your time, exploring the 5 questions every man needs to ask about his life etc.

The feedback we got was great, and you guys told us it was like getting a free 90-day course curriculum on how to become your best self.

So, for the next couple of months, we’ve picked a few topics that you guys have told us are important to you, and we’re building a 3 or 4 episode mini-series around them.

The first, is Mindfulness for Men, which a 3 part series.

Episode One: Cultivating Control and Calm in the Eye of the Storm
Episode Two: Rule #1 of Navigating the Monkey Mind: Don’t Pick a Fight With the Monkeys
Episode Three: Befriending Your Inner Critic


How to cultivate calm and maintain control in the eye of the storm The 3 things you experience in your inner world that make you feel out of control How to build the inner strength to resist getting absorbed by thoughts and emotions How cultivating this level of awareness leads to radical levels of freedom and gratitude

Book Referenced in Podcast:

Living from a Place of Surrender by Michael Singer (Audible Audiobook)

3 Minute Breathwork Track Referenced in Podcast:

3 Step Guided Breathwork on YouTube