#58: You’ve heard me quote, praise and share my learnings from my past year’s worth of work with John Wineland.

It was high-time to bring him on the show.

I became a student of John’s in 2019 with two intentions:

Becoming a more trustworthy masculine leader Deepening and expanding my ability for intimacy with a feminine partner

These are the two themes we dive deep on in this episode.

Who is John Wineland?

John is a pioneering teacher in the arena of sexual intimacy, relational communication and connecting to life purpose. His programs include: The Art of Loving Fiercely and The Embodied Men’s Leadership Training program John has been a student of David Deida (The Way of the Superior Man) since 2008 He’s most well-known for his groundbreaking work with men, and has a mission of helping men establish 10,000 men’s groups worldwide. John's clients include maverick entrepreneurs, Ted speakers and well known Hollywood artists.

In This Episode

Why men need two things – desperation and willingness – before they are ready to make serious change in their lives Why men desperately seek freedom from burden The biggest problems John sees in men’s leadership today Defining what “healthy masculine leadership” looks like Practices for men to refine the depth and breadth of consciousness How to find sexual energy and intimacy beyond a woman’s physical appearance John’s intentional process for deeply and courageously grieving the loss of his 21 year old daughter to Cystic Fibrosis

John’s Resources:

John’s Website: https://www.johnwineland.com

David Deida and John Wineland April 2020 event: https://www.johnwineland.com/3-day-workshop-with-david-deida-2020

John on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/john_wineland/?hl=en

John’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTif0aTpBjQ27lRC5q6vJLw